🤲Referral System

Phase 6: Invite your peers

Referrers earn up to 60% in fees, relative to the trading fees paid by the referrees.

These rewards are credited to the referrer's account using ETH, axlBTC and USDC depending on the number of traders you and your referee refers.


For every $1 paid in trading fees by the referees:

  • The referrer receives $0.3 of trading fees.

  • The referer receives additional $0.2 if the referee refers another trader.

  • And should the trader refers another trader, the referrer receives additional $0.1.

Referral fees on the platform are paid for the following actions:

  • Executing a Swap

  • Opening or increasing the size of a Leverage Trade position

  • Closing or decreasing the size of a Leverage Trade position

  • Having Leverage Trade position liquidated

  • Borrowing fees paid


Rewards are distributed depending on the Referral Tier of a Referral Link.


  • Letʻs assume Alice (referee A) uses Bobʻs Referral Link (referrer) and pays $100 in trading fees.

  • Bob receives $30.

  • If Alice (referee A) refers Charlie (referee C) to trade on DIP Exchange and Charlie pays $100 in trading fees, Alice receives $30 and Bob receives additional $20.

Last updated